Did you know that this fall, many colleges, and universities will be visiting East Ridge? These visits will be held throughout the school day, either through an online forum or an in-person visit. College visits are a great way to learn more and to have your questions answered.

School District Looks to SoWashCo Online to Alleviate Budget Woes

According to Dan Pyan, the district financial director, SoWashCo needs 10-15 students outside the district while also drawing students back from other programs to meet its budget goal, with a “projected 50 students enrolled in the 2022-2023 school year, and the number doubling in 2023-2024,” adds Nash. If they do not meet their goal, budget cuts will continue but will be found outside the schools.

”If you replace a couple of planks on a ship, and keep doing it over and over, eventually the ship might be all new planks. Is it the same ship or not? Does that ship’s identity change or is it the same ship? It’s kind of the same conversation with human beings. We change a lot, so are you the same you as when you were five?” says Kenley.

“With the 6 week break, you're forced to remember everything in the previous hexmester as well as learn things for the current hexmester. The amount of stuff compounds and becomes very overwhelming,” said Senior Anita Chetty, who has taken 14 out of the 16 AP classes offered.

Major changes include: cutting band and orchestra from the elementary level, eliminating media specialists from middle and high schools, increasing middle and high school class sizes and closing the Nuevas Fronteras and Woodbury Middle School pools. Parking permits at the high schools will also increase by $20 per trimester.

Distance learning has created so much isolation between students and teachers and also between teachers and their colleagues that teachers have to take that initiative to reach out to students themselves. “I try to make it clear that mental and emotional well being is a priority,” says Carbone.